>>21067353"An' now, Oi've got anuvva fucken tag team match comin'. And nah, quickly, loik, Oi dun' count the War Games, roight? Eight tits on one side ain't no fucken tag team. Anyway, now Oi got me anuvva tag match, and it's wiff anuvva new person again, roight? Kelsie. Ah, Kelly D. Someone Oi koinda fucken loik. And would ya fucken look at the names-a me 'ponents, It's Channo and -- fuck, Nicko, again. Who was 'er partnah last toim? Cassie fucken Kade. An' whose fucken team is Kelsie part of now? Cassie fucken Kade. So not only am I fighting the same chick from me second match, but it's faw da toitles from me first match, wiff another new pahtnah in a match toyp Oi had against Racks AFTAH we fucken teamed up last toim, and Oi ain't seen any-a me fucken pahtnahs again, because 'parently Oi'm just fucking shithouse at keeping me pahtnah's around -- or fucken alive -- and Oi just ruin every fucken toim Oim' fucken part-a dis this whole fucken tag fing" --
>[More agitated, Sheila's emotions boil over and she lets the microphone drop again. She holds her free hand to her face, squeezing at her temples. After a pause, she speaks again.]"Look, obviously Oi... nah, not juss me. Every foightah 'ere wants ta be champion. Wants ta be on top. Make maw money an' awl dat shit. But Oi..."
"Oi dun wanna lose anuvva pahtnah, 'specially not Kels, roight? So loik... fucken, youse tell me. What do Oi even do?"
>[The crowd begins to cheer, before a chant for Sheila breaks out. Sheila smiles for the first time.]"Well, fanks dickheads, but dat dun' ansah me question. Nyeh heh heh. Oi guess ta be more suck-sinkt... wot Oi'm arksing is... if dis awl goes wrong... jus loik it did wiff Beers and Racks... if Oi'm da reason youse lot lose someone as spesh as Kelly D and ya's get stuck wiff me" --
>[Sheila is cut off by the playing of a familiar theme song.]