>>18265956>>18267517An indeterminate amount of time later Amelia Atkinson stands holding a broom in what remains of the ballroom, some of Priscilla's staff had attempted to pitch in with the cleanup but Amy had politely shooed them away opting to take responsibility for the event going off the rails herself. Most of the hired help and almost all the guests had fled during the explosions but upon seeing Amy sweeping up food and fallen plaster alone and with two broken fingers a few of the caterers and security staff stayed back to help, no doubt expecting the big tip that they would absolutely receive for their help but mostly for their discretion.
All things considered it could've been a lot worse, preliminary reports suggested that the structure of the mansion had not been compromised and that the explosion had been described as "all bark and no bite" which came as a huge relief, Colby had enjoyed at least fifty percent of a birthday party, the guests could recount to their friends and families another crazy happening at the Divine Mansion that would further add to the crazy rumours that already swirled around the Divine Angels and their infamous abode. Aside from the broken bones in Amy's hand nobody who mattered had been hurt and the true guilty party was sitting in the dungeon in the bowels of the building awaiting her fate.
As the last of the help departed Amy leaned against a wall looking at Colby's birthday cake which sat sadly on a podium largely untouched, its candles still unlit, somewhere the knife was still embedded in a table. Next to the cake a pile of unopened cards with Amy's own card sat on top. With a sigh she awaited Colby's arrival, she had asked to talk earlier and when a woman asks to talk it's almost never a good thing. The thought of being dumped made her heart ache so she did the only thing she could, she just carried on sweeping.