>>11098085hehe, the other thread was bretty fun desu
the false premise
the subversion
the mean spirit followed by remorseful behaviour
talking about my toys
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, that thread is my magnum opus
>love for parentsnope, none, zilch
I feel obligated to repay the favour at least to some dxtend but I never felt a modicum of what they describe as "parental love" and I don't feel a need to show any in return, they are my housemates and landlords and nothing else
>>11098114it's fine
I've been waiting for right oportunity to make that thread, that's the reason I was kind of jaded when sig revived this thread
I feel better already, not much of a dopamine release but atleast some of it came out
you know, keeping the act together was a task, no matter how small
hell I even went on to put my dick in a furnace like poland asked, now that's called dedication
ahh, hope no hard feelings from other posters, it's rare for me to get my creative juices flowing like that, all is well that ends well, I guess... or rather I HOPE