New information about Freyja and Thor!
How did Thor impersonated Freyja? Ans: they have similar hair like in the thumbnail. it with the picture I post a lot.
I'm very inspired by Jackson Crawford icelandic diary and THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED TO DO first comment had 22 replies and has exchanges between a native icelandic speaker making a small correction and friendly interaction to Crawford THEN A HEAVILY INDOCRINATED person comes and says scientific linguistics verbatim and identifies as a language nerd and basically I have formed strong opinions of it because of my time here on /pol/. I think it is a political stance that makes a native population open to foreign influence (the prescriptivism debate) and let's international oligarchs basically come to your community of language speakers and do what they want like there should be an obligation to adhere to UN principles and scientific principles and remove myself from everything and no passions are ever allowednand basically anyone is allowed in your hobby
Also. Look at this thread from two days ago: I ever came across as condescending to you guys because of my dream with Freyja is because you guys are like this (read the swede thread) and also because ... I forgot.. but other reasons too
1. Possibly since neolithic times maybe they looked like that I wasn't exactly trying to make you guys feel bad but being accurate to the vanir and aesir syncretism
2. I am keeping her for myself and I don't share
3. Other unsaid reasons.