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all right /bant/, i have a story for you. i got this from my grandmother, in bits and pieces over the years. she was a kick-ass grandma, even when she started going senile. she was a pretty good chemist, too. she minored in chemistry in college just for fun, because people could do that back then. she passed on recently, and i got to look through some of her old diaries. with what i’d head, and what i read there, i managed to figure out most of the story. it’s pretty fucked up, and that’s why i’m sharing it with you guys.
>be grandmother
>23, just graduated from college, looking for a job
>interview with large, important company
>gets the job
>secretary to the CEO
>CEO seems like a good guy
>granny likes her job
>stays for a really long time
>she was a really skilled secretary
>totally devoted to the company & her boss
>boss trusts her completely
>would even ask her for advice on some matters
i suspect there was secks
>40+ years with this company
>even outlives her boss
she took it pretty hard when he died. i was eight or nine, so i still remember this happening. he’d always been an inspiration to her, and helped her out all the time. i never got to meet him, but the way my grandmom talks about him, he might as well have been jesus.
>decides to stay with the company
>likes her job, great retirement package too
>even made a few good friends
>one is this younger guy, new hire
>he’s not the brightest, but he has a good heart
>he helps grandma out with some of the chores that are hard for her to do now
>lifting, reaching, that kind of thing
>keeps her company too, since most of her old friends already retired
>generally just a good dude
and i hit the character limit, so this will be continued in part 2