>>21717363Smart enough to orchestrate a complex and expensive web of lies to manipulate you into uprooting your entire life and complying with their demands, apparently. None of this makes sense.
Common types of schizophrenic delusions
>Grandiose - This is when a person believes that they have a great talent, have made a great discovery, or are an extremely important person.6 skills, billion dollar industry disruption, etc.
>Jealousy - A person with this type of delusion believes that their sexual partner is unfaithful, even when it's impossible.Josie became a whore after turning you down.
>Paranoid or persecutory - This is when a person believes that they are being conspired against, attacked, harassed, harmed, or obstructed in their pursuit of some goal.Freemasons, Sam, Jet, Ben, etc.
>Erotomaniac delusion - The affected person believes that another person, usually someone famous or of high status, is in love with them.This poster is Josie btw, she likes it, she acknowledges what you say in streams, etc.
Not that any of this matters due to anosognosia. His brain is broken in a way where he actually cannot process that anything is wrong with him and is part of why he lacks self awareness and how disturbing he is. Terry Davis didn't have this even though he was schizophrenic.