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Cassie sits in her office, thinking of Andi Kestrel. She had imagined making that girl suffer for getting in the way of her business by condemning her to a handicap match with Kelly DiVanna and Kasumi O'Brian once she inevitably failed to find a partner. After all, who would a new girl be able to form a team with?
And then, once it was over, she'd get a piece of her herself. Maybe give her a Kade Krusher or two. But alas, Kestrel found a partner.
Big, strong, experienced. Lilith won't be easy. But still, this turn of events represents an opportunity. A powerhouse opponent like Lilith can toss anyone around the ring. And a debutant like Andi represents a mystery who no tape exists of. This could be a good test for Kasumi and Kelly. Cassie knows from her experience in the ring with both of them that individually, neither will go down without one hell of a fight. But how will they work as a team?
She grabs her phone and sends Kelly a text.
>Today is when the owner of the pawn shop you visited owes me his protection money. I'll be collecting in person and when I do, I'll resolve the matter of his men robbing you just as I promised I would. Meet me at the club and come see how it's done.