>>21129670This is the Pocahontas Coalfield, which is much smaller than the Pocahontas coalbeds that run through much of southern West Virginia and western Virginia. A coalfield is a sociocultural designation of a distinctive area where coal is or was heavily mined whereas a coalbed is a geological designation of where coal actually lies in situ.
So the geographical extent of the Pocahontas coalbeds is much greater than the little area shown here, which is just the cultural area of coal mining communities named after the Pocahontas coalbeds which are also found in this location.
Nothing beats the Pocahontas coals, literally. As far as coal quality, it's the finest in the world.
They call it "smokeless coal" because it is so high in carbon content and low in volatile matter (that evaporates away during coking) that these coals produce no smoke when burnt, which is why the U.S. Navy used Pocahontas coals during both world wars -- so their ships wouldn't be detectable due to spewing huge amounts of smoke on the open oceans.
I am going to mine the Pocahontas coals. Wish me luck, bros. I am a coal nerd and being amidst such fine coal, like fine gemstones or precious metals, will mean a lot to me, the way Scrooge MacDuck swimming in his gold coins and bullion made him ecstatic.