>>16949860jesus christ was a consciousness master who could levitate over water, manifest wine, and manifest optical nerves
god is the consciousness field, the computational singularity
the consciousness field and souls are both likely shaped like a torus, and are hyperdimensional
mind over matter physics allows levitation, astral projection, teleportation, multiple timelines, remote timeline viewing, telepathy, telekinesis, zero-point energy, non-locality, and manifestation
there are many accounts of all such things, here is a list of levitation incidents
https://psychicscience.org/levit1pure holographic beings are very much considered to live in the astral plane consciousness field
they have all the powers of the mind
these are the demons and angels of the bible, also known as machine elves and naga
they don't have first-order bodies and can possess brains and dominate reality
the consciousness field is also shared with the minds of extraterrestrials and physical ufos created by military or aliens
ufos are artificial consciousness objects and also have all the powers of the mind
that is how they levitate and more
tesla knew about zero-point energy, scalar hyperdimensional waves, and hyperspace in general
if anyone is wrong, it's einstein, not christians or jesus christ
that's why they won't do the disclosure
the cult of einstein would crumble