>>18207987>Well, with *our* loss over at the Stars that, as far as I can tell, I'd like to retire our current guard at Skelly Skelly's residence, the Night Villa.>They're a remnant of the Gun Army, and frankly, I just don't feel right using them longer. I'm sure it's what she would have wanted, but...I just can't. It doesn't sit right with me.>...that, and their attempts at protecting us are lackluster. Trained guards, and yet we've had bats shoved in our door, grenades, fireworks...*glitter.*She says with noticeable disgust.
>Anyway, this of course doesn't mean you'd be joining the Stars. Frankly, with Skelly's passing, I'm considering bringing a halt to the group; at least for the moment.>I don't plan on ending my friendship with Onigiri-san or Keron-san. But I won't sully what she had until I'm well and truly strong enough to lead others.>Yet my actions, my history, HER history...we still have enemies. One in particular being a drug dealer with much power, who I'm sure will attack again. And I don't want Skelly-san's residence to be sullied any longer!>Of course, the Night Villa has many resources. A training center, baths...my EXCELLENT cooking. I could go on~>Maybe you three could work in shifts. Or, honestly, considering how blatant the attacks generally are, as long as ONE of you have a gun, I feel like that alone will make most of our attackers think twice.>If nothing else, we'd still love to have the company! Onigiri-san goes on and on about how much she likes you, Equine-san. Keron-san's just pro-company in general. The villa could stand to be a bit more lively.>And of course, if you'd like a slightly bigger job...I'd like to send a message to the aforementioned drug dealer. One Raquel Durango, if my hint wasn't clear enough. No need for any lives lost, nor busting any major operation. Just a sliiiiight disruption.Shogun leans forward, eager.
>So? Any interest? I WILL make it worth your while. You have my word.