>>11914010Ya I just used bikini is an example how just changes about the name can make them feel differently
>>11914024How was I pushed I a corner? I made that post as I judged you to make more replies. So I asked about almost all the mistakes you have made as explaining mistakes almost always give birth to more mistakes.
>What plan? What does planned bullying achieve?
>>My guess would be this American namefag made them with a proxy to use it as a way to attempt to discredit any germanhttps://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/11865798/#q11866004>Imagine having to use a proxy normie.... I guess welding is just a conspiracy made up from the welding cabalhttps://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/11840326/#q11841538>Brainlet proxy baka..https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/11799591/#q11800737>Seems like a proxy baka coming into this thread just to reply to me :-)https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/11799591/#q11799908 Oke your motive in protecting Yonkers is in the open now... Good job kek. Seems like you have a personal problem with me and saw this as an opening to attacc. I see, I see. You ruined your idea with this.... I don't understand discord bakas... Why make such a mistake?
>It seems to me that you have quite the problem with accusing others of being in this discord group that targets you for some plan or objective Well I was active on discord. Attaccing people with proxies was the norm. Maybe you just don't realize that. So when I randomly get attacced I always accuse the person of being a proxy as I don't see a reason why one would do it
>This was easy to lookup Yes you totally just looked that up yes, yes... An outsider who knew who I was and then instantly found all of these... Really? Btw you didn't answer the questions I asked. You emphasized purely on proxies in your post... What about gangstalkers which you have mentioned? What about yonkers being impersonated? What about the points of me being allegedly schizo? Everything dodged