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Ustaša was keyed, Who wouldn't want to kill subhumans?
>Killed serbskins
>Killed commies
rašića gaj massacre shloud 100% be reenacted across balkans cause serb shitskins shloud not be left alive, Not even gay people or lesbian women or even niggers and sand niggers, I would personally slit their throats and turn them into soup, feed it to the remaining serb shitskins in the village and remaining bodies use as a concrete fillment for military factories, whos gonna check anyway? Women throat fully beheaded and fuck their pussy while shes dead. Sandniggers would get a special treatment of forced to burn quaran and then get a headshot to head.
People of high-ranking left-wing political parties shloud get their lands stolen and used as mass graves, Public execution by hanging or Harsh-labour.
While at it, Behead all troons and femboys, They are trying soo hard to be a women yet they fail soo tightly, Give them masculine jobs and kill them at the end of their "contract" which would last like 30 days
Use the serbian villagers as a supply hub after everyone in the village dies and bomb them after we won't need them.
This is what would save the both germanic and slavic united world, Yet not put in place.