ITT: We discuss the current state of /bant/
I getting started:
>How do we save anime?>How do we solve the phoneposting problem?>How to summon a new avatarfag?>How to force an ebin meme?>How to make a good imptrash thread?>Green Tea?>How to I achieve Alzheimer?>How to blow it out my ass?>How do we get rid of rudeposters?>How to we delete Kagariposter?>How to script gets?>How to peanuts in coke without dying?>Is the Cult of the Fishe already an official religion like Cult of Kek?>How to go back to >>>/s4s/, >>>/b/, >>>/qa/, >>>/jp/ and >>>/pol/ ?>Why are traps so cute?>Which frogs are okay to post and which don't?>How do we spread the useage of tripcodes and names?>Why is KPOP still not banned like CP?>Should we dab on the haters?>How to I achieve Alzheimer?>Are the old/bant/fags the true cancer of /bant/?>Should I kys for making this thread?