>>3093859Now, I am not following the meme of praising Lenin, Stalin and other fun guys, let me explain why. As you surely know, communist parties (more specifficaly ones of marxist and other classical communistic ideology; I mention it as anarchists technically are communist too, they want to achieve the same thing marxists etc. do, communism, or anarchy as you'd probably call it. Just, if you thought that marxists were naive, anarchists are even worse) had always been the most popular in times of hunger, war and other -bad stuff- and that is why they always fail. Progress towards communism that those men want to make is, well, progress. And in a country which people are hungry, poor etc. fulfilling those basic needs should be more important than progress, development should only occur whenever the country is stable and people are, generally speaking, content. What communists in those states did was really fucking dumb, some capitalism, free market should be introduced at first, to bring some wealth into the country (which for example Stalin, it seems, knew, as he did free market a little at some real bad times for a moment). Only in places that are safe, in which people are living happy lives yadda yadda, steps towards communism should be made <additionally, I think that changing people's mentallity is much more important than change of government and other such subjects>. The problem is that people in such countries do not want change, because, as I mentioned, they are content. This is what I consider the biggest obstacle on the way to communism, I really believe that in course of hundreds years, maybe even more, people could change for the better, that crime and such could be minimalized, maybe not entirely, but very highly. The thing is, that people do not want that, that's what is the factor that blocks social development towards it.