CONSOL and Arch Merge into Coal Giant Edition
Commodities include
>Precious metalsPlatinum, Gold, Silver
>EnergyOil, Natural Gas, Uranium, Coal
>Base MetalsIron Ore, Nickel, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Aluminum, Molybdenum, and Cobalt
>OthersWater, Agricultural, Lithium, Salt
>Mining for Noobs (MUST READ)>Ore Deposits 101 Series (MUST WATCH) [Embed] [Open]
>How to Value Mining Stocks [Embed] [Open]
>General CommoditiesGUNR
>Metals and mining:GDX, GDXJ, SIL, SILJ, COPX, REMX, PICK
>Oil and gas:XOP, OIH, PSCE
>Uranium:URA, URNM, URNJ
More information for each commodity for DD Clear List Sources channels to follow
>Mining SpecificKitco Mining, Crescat Capital, Mining Stocks Education, Crux Investor, Metals Investor Forum, Resource Talks, Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, Rule Investment Media, Hedgeless Horseman
>Market CommentaryPeter Schiff, Liberty and Finance, Finding Value Finance, Commodity Culture, Palisade Gold Radio, Sprott Money, Rob Kientz, Mike Maloney, Macro Voices, Decouple Podcast, Saxo Market Call
>Twitter Pages for Mining NewsJrMiningNetwork, JuniorMiningHub, KitcoMining, MinerDeck, MiningVisuals, Mining
>What is Austrian economics?>Austrian economics booksWhat has government done to our money? (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), Profit & Loss (Mises)