>>17481849lol their faces are like pure nigger disgust, beyond nigger fatigue
I'm not gonna say too much, but I heard that someone relatively famous who was born in Waukesha is secretly redpilled and hates niggers. But then they told me that everyone in Waukesha was like that. So it made sense to me when that nigger targeted them. Makes me want to move there if all the whites are on point with the NQ. If that was true then probably even more now after Grounds McNigger's whole performance.
Perhaps it's nothing special though and every white offshoot suburb area of a major niggrified city is like that. I'll bet the key is to find one that is like middle class, since the rich white people always have those areas but then they have the BLM sign on their lawn to show they bow down to their groid pets. Middle class white neighborhood near to the niggeropolis megacity.