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Torrent The Tao of Wing Chun Do. Its modified Wing Chun (no centerline punches for instance), it was what Bruce Lee was doing in Seattle before he got famous.
Attacks to the eyes groin throat, James Demile was one of Bruce's early students and then trainers.
He claims to have helped Bruce develop his 1 inch punch, the instructional video you can find on youtube.
But these guys are right. I started at a club last year, and Pandemic shutdowns have proven this to me, you can train some stance and closing work on your own, but the INSTANT you touch hands with someone else, your learning improves exponentially.
Also, find or make a Muk Jong wooden dummy.
Its not a real person, but it will push against you, and you can do your rote punches and blocks and footwork against it.
But you need a partner bro.