The level of Christianity is now such a low level concept. It is only an institution to gain material power through the naive followers of today. True religion was always a mystery-school, something that teaches actual knowledge of the divine world that we are in. It was about KNOWLEDGE, about insight, and also about race (our natural root in spirit and matter), not about a blind "belief" (assumption) of superman, and scriptures, and all these spiritless intellectualizations; this is very much the jewish matrix on which christians move nowadays.
Look at this cut from an anime, there is more wisdom in this short clip than in the entire christian mindfuck. is One and One is All. This is a teaching of spiritual truth, and you can find it in all ancient mystery schools. How low man actually sunk is amazing, being now such emotionally driven dog-matic cattle. Imagine being a """religion""" and getting cucked by an anime. They lack every common sense, and every ancient spirit and truth now.