>>14370879Eym sorry u seem liek u dont have many options ey get it u feel imprisoned due to ure morals and values and ure love to ure mum dont know maibee i dont live with u but luk you just think of people b4 u think of urself and that is clear in ure post its oke to rant and to get mad and to cri i cri a lot honestly i saw some terrible things and had a tough childhood but i still escape by criing its oke u can crie too u r human being u can get mad its totally normal u rnt not nice because u have negative thoughts wth just talking about how they concern u is enough for a praise but u dont wanta praise now i think so i can say its just good and also i get it i mean the mad part i get mad easily and say really stupid things to my family and friends im really chidlish sometimes but i learnt some relaxing methods and also it may seem dumb but i also post here to relax myre self, i also playe games sometimes im not on pc much because it consumes a lot of time so im stuck with phone games so when u td me about become fumo i kept playing it and i know the secret place of the huge lobster in the pool nearby miko burger so these stuffs helped me to relax even if they were little i dont know maybe im sating randome things because im dumb but just rember that u helped people here even if it wasnt worthy of praise 4 u rember that u r getting the result of kindness u chosed again and that is nice i think maybe