>>1591056So what have I learned?
These entities are telepathic, they can send you a message and talk to you if they choose- which is how I got this "gut feeling" about where the ayes in the sky were going to be. It seems like they can be summoned by just asking them to show up in your mind, because all I do is visualize my location from a birds eye view and they've shown up.
This variety of ayye is largely benevolant as far as I can tell. I was out in the middle of the Badlands and they didn't ass rape me yet.
Their spaceships have an electromagnetic hydrodynamic drive which creates a field around the craft and through some exotic physics, causes the craft to be "weightless" so that they can then send the ship flying in any direction with a small push . In other words, the electromagnetism isn't a propulsion system but rather masks the ship from the affects of earth's gravity. When these entities pass through the clouds, the clouds are ripped around the field but not pushed downward like a Saturn 5 rocket would have done. Since the ufos aren't shaking the ground, we can rule out rocket propulsion or really any propulsion system which pushes the spaceship into the sky, the spaceship isn't being pushed- it is effectively moving matter around the hull and then giving a slight tap to send it flying in any given direction.