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ID:dGdiLrKx No.1621744 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Story time?

>14 years old
>just hitting puberty, horny as fuck all the time
>sister is 11 years old
>things start to get really weird between us
>she begins begins to tell me personal things
>sometimes just tells me about her interest in boys
>sometimes she tells me even weirder shit about her periods
>figure shes starting to go through puberty too, so must just be somewhat confused
>one day parents aren't home and were bored so we put on a movie
>it was probably about 6 or 7 in the evening so the sun was going down and room started to get darker
>she seemed to kinda be drifting off, head begins to nod a bit
>figure shes exhausted, let her sleep
>slowly, her head begins to fall towards my lap
>don't know what to do so i just casually let it happen
>me being a stupid young teen in puberty doesn't know how to handle foreign bodies against my dick
>fuck, don't know what to do, don't want to wake her up and have her find boner by her face, but need to get rid of boner fast
>slightly shaky, now in panic mode
>my vibrations end up waking her up, she comes back to the waking world with a tent pitched in her ear
>figure shes about to freak out, but then...
>"haha, you have a boner!" she just laughs and THEN...
>"can i see it?"
>fuck, fuck, fuck, don't know what to do at this point
>she decides instead to grab my pants herself and unzip them to pull my dick out
>she has a look of curiosity on her face, i can tell she has never seen a dick before
>she grabs it and begins to shake it back and forth a little, kinda flicking it up and down just giggling
>all of a sudden, without warning the door opens up, my parents had gotten home
>i can see a look of horror spread across my mom's face
>she is clearly frightened
>next day, she sent me to live with my auntie and uncle in Bel Air