>>19236063>Actually the fat girl could be a great wife. Absolutely not. Fat girls are obnoxious and bitchy and have the worst attitudes of all girls because they are so insecure about their appearance.
>You just have to manipulate her to go to the gym with you and eat healthy so she loses weight. You won't. She will be extremely pissed off at you for reminding her that she is fat and will just double down on the junk food comfort snacking.
If for some reason she does start going to the gym, it's because she is cucking you with some Chad gym bro who is using her for an easy lay.
Fat girls are the most obsessed with a guy's looks and will try to branch swing from you to every Chad they cross paths with. And most Chads are lazy and will fuck them because it is so easy.
>She will be thin, grateful and have a low confidence. She will just continue to get fatter and bitchier, then one day she will divorce rape you and take half of your shit.
>The perfect wife.Most retarded thing I have ever read on this site, which is saying a lot.