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Homeless burdenmaxxing with $15,000 in savings

No.19457902 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In another month or two I'll pass my most recent savings goal of having $15000. However, I'm thinking of just giving up on society and becoming a well positioned homeless person, rather than setting yet another seemingly meaningless goal that won't actually get me anywhere.
>currently make $19/hr working 40 hours/week
>no benefits at all, I'm technically "part time" despite 40 hours/week
>have been trying for months to move out of my current shared apartment to get my own place
>cannot stand living with dipshit roommates who smoke all day, fuck up the plumbing with grease, and generally destroy the living space and with it my peace of mind and comfort
>literally every studio or 1 bedroom is at least $1400 at the absolute minimum, most not including utilities
>every single place requires an income of at least 3 times monthly rent
>all my credit scores are greater than 700, and I've offered multiple places 6 months or even more rent in advance; they don't care, still DEMAND 3 times rent in income or no deal
>can maybe get an income restricted place, but they cost exactly as much as everywhere else, while often being smaller and shittier, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth that despite my selection being limited I'd still be paying just as much FOR LESS
I'm just fucking done at this point. I was a straight A multiple honor society etc etc student in high school, didn't have a great GPA in college but still pulled through with my STEM degree (plus a minor in a second STEM subject), have always been a great on time hard working good goi at every single job I've ever worked; none of it has ever gotten me anything, and will never get me anything.
I could probably get a pretty good tent and camping gear with my savings, and just go live on the streets like a homeless king.