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[35 / 21 / ?]

Story time you homos

No.2086422 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be 20yo
>Still virgin at this point (not kissless had a gf no benis in bagina action though)
>Suicidal as fuck because of depression, insomnia, alcohol problem and drug abuse
>Turn 21
>Same course continues but much much more degenerate
>Summer comes
>Go to bar with childhood bf4ever
>Hes with gf
>Gf is my friend too
>Friends gf's friend comes to table
>Be drunk as fuck
>Talk shit with friend whole night while ingoring the vaginal jews
>It's time to leave the place
>Still shit talking with friend in car
>New vaginal jew contact actually wants my number
>Give numba
>I try to get myself invited to her house for little action, but can't because of her

Next day

>She fucking sends messages over whatsapp and wants to date
>Go to her place and gibsherdat

It only lasted a year, but holy fuck I learned alot from her.

Also Stopped drugs and drank less, got a job because of her and shit.

Right now I have some 18yo (just turned :DDD) I bang

Lifes good

Moral of the story: Grow a pair