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Sam is a Freemason.

ID:YeEQQkEf No.21263087 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sam Hyde's Fishtank is a CIA funded (Peter Thiel) recruitment group for both the CIA and Freemasons.
Sam is a Freemason.
Fishtank is a recruitment operation and it's obvious.

>never has complete recordings of the seasons, half the data or more is lost, always released in a disorganized unusable fashion
>final cuts of seasons are shitty on purpose so nobody will watch them, purposefully include none of the real story arcs of the show or degradation contestants went through (yeah I fucked you up but now you're "stronger" and nobody knows, you owe me!)
>show is filled with light torture, both physical and mental challenges engineered by production to test their mettle
>production's interactions with contestants are classic CIA "manipulate them to do what you want instead of asking"
>always ends up looking like stockholm syndrome because Sam is a wealthy celebrity and he only recruits the poorest people imaginable
>production follows the fish post show, is always in their discords under different usernames
>production always donates to fish under different usernames to manipulate the situation so they feel like they "owe" Sam for making them successful
>production uses black hat databases to scrape data on the fish to know EXACTLY who they are before the show, they know EVERYTHING about the fish and all the "shocking revelations" are planned in advance
>they are the ones who "hack" contestant's web accounts using these databases

How did production get access to the backend of Google?
They would need government connections for that.
If he was running a web TV show, he would at least try to grow the show.
He isn't running a web TV show, it's a recruitment scheme.
They pretend to be incompetent so there is no evidence of what they did that season.