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ID:MbVWgHhS No.3849437 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /bant/, this just happened to me earlier today.

>be me
>relaxing in my McMansion™
>my high tech electron microscopes™ detect that one of my neighbour's photons™ quantum tunnelled into my property
>call up the Burger King™ Royal army and pay 3.7351839 bitcoins for an artillery shelling on my neighbour
>stray shrapnel lands on my other African™ warlord neighbours property.
>the Pizza Hut™ child squadrons™ launch their Recreational™ Nuclear™ Bombs™ at my property in retaliation because my Warlord neighbour was supplying them with industrial quantities of Cocaine™
>I am reduced to ash™ and blown away in the Nuclear™ Blast™