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ID:QYpbI1j5 No.4285542 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anon breaks his leg

>Be me
>11 years old at a park with friends
>Wearing flip flops b/c I'm a FLfag
>Decide to jump off a swing
>Land with my left food in a hole and my right on level ground
>shoe gets caught and bend my knee backwards until my femur snaps
>Black out from the pain instantly
>Wake up with one of my friends standing over me laughing
>Some parent with medical training comes over helps me after calling 911
>Wake up after surgery with the doctor explaining how lucky I am
"You know Anon, that was a pretty bad break you had. A bone fragment had nicked your femoral artery causing you to almost bleed out internally."
>8 weeks and 2 surgeries later I return back to school with a brace and crutches
>Everyone makes jokes about how I milked my injuries
>Turns out, the same day I broke my leg another girl got ran over by a truck and recovered 3 weeks quicker than me
>MFW a swing and some flip flops brought me closer to death than a fucking truck could have