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ID:dn2kFrdq No.8779446 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>work in a Walmart
>someone brought ice cream sandwiches and handed them out in the break room
>took one even though I’m lactose intolerant as fuck
>don’t care, ice cream sandwiches are delicious
>think it should be fine, I only have an hour left after my break
>it was not fine
>half an hour later stomach starts to make some unholy noise
>it sounded like an animal began to fucking drown in there
>my ass is generating enough raw energy to power a small city
>hurry off to the bathroom
>I don’t think I could make it in time
>arrive at a stall, pull down my pants but it’s too late and my ass gives in to the pressure
>shit on the floor in front of the toilet
>30 raw, devastating seconds of constant liquid shit
>some of it made it into the bowl at least
>stare in total awe at this abomination that just exited my body
>not only is it on the floor but it’s on my jeans too
>no amount of wiping can save this bad boy
>wonder how the sweet fuck can I get out of this
>there are other people in this bathroom that witnessed my anal eruption
>wait for bathroom to clear out, then rush for the timeclock and check out
>rather shit my self a second time than get fired for not clocking out
>haul ass out of the stall
>run into manager before I can get out
>he greets me per usual but quickly pauses and realizes the situation at hand
>he looks back at me, then notices how fucked my pants are
>visible shame on both ends
he hasn’t looked at me the same since then, I wonder how much longer I’ll keep this job