>>2643807They really do! Interestingly, they binge uploaded three Yuis that same day, so I had saved up that one you posted for today, actually! It's really adorable! Here's the source for the interested one:
http://touch.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=56387865>>2644006I remember seeing this one way back! Very lovely, too! I'm happy there are several of these around for Yui. Did you make this one?
>>2644407I don't mind personally, since they're both great, but for consistency's sake it may be nice to focus on Yui here. Yui + Ui images would be great, however!
>>2644010Yui is just too loveable! Also, I agree! So I hope this new Yui can cheer you guys up!