Jonesy found the baby spin off universe, but she soon discovered this used to be like her universe, but some invention by one of the scientist went horribly wrong or horribly right ( if Maria did it), and everyone turned into babies or toddlers ( they’re stuck like this they are fully aware of the predicament) Maria is the sole adult left on the planet making her the de facto ruler/mom of the planet her and her army of helper drones take care of things
Jonesy‘s job here was to steal the device to be sold to some authoritarian government in another universe. so they can squash. any rebellion on their planet
>>795177Timelines are weird their universe split off from the original in the 70s (or the 80s or the 90s or the 2000 depending on whatever the current floating timeline near) despite being made by time traveler who was born in the future of the main timeline