>>2032881You need to stop obsessing over the 100ft thing. No one thinks 100ft vertical separation is enough. Not FAA, not ATC and not any pilot. The 200ft VFR route through the river is not deemed separated from short final RWY33. Any aircraft wanting to cross the final need a clearance to do so. The helicopter was instructed to cross behind the traffic (not under, not with 100ft clearance, but BEHIND). So no, no one "regarded 100ft clearance as an adequate safety measure". They were supposed to laterally separate themselves from traffic, not horizontally. They failed to do so, and it caused a crash.
The way the helicopter was operating before that was completely normal. As they were heading along the river southbound, they were far below outbound traffic, and erratic flying is totally normal for helicopters.
Obviously this situation went catastrophically, but that doesn't change how the rules are today and how ATC is supposed to exert control. We don't directly control VFR. If we are supposed to cancel the approach any time a VFR "appears to be" going too close to arriving traffic that they report in sight, then we'd have to completely segregate VFR from IFR airspace, and ban visual approaches and departures. I promise you, that will never happen.
I will reiterate: stop having opinions on things you know nothing about. You are not in aviation, nor are you familiar with how the air operates, or the rules within. Your opinion is based on a critical lack of knowledge and it is worthless.