/out/ here. used to work as a messenger in london years ago, when I quit I stopped riding as it wasn't much fun without the mission aspect and the reward of getting paid. but recently got my bike out the shed to ride on while my shin splints recover. it's been a lot of fun. it helps that the weather is awesome at the momen! Didn't know what /n/'s take on fixed wheels was. They seem to divide opinion a lot.
>>1475358>>1475554>>1475583Great place for them.
>>1475696I dug my old courier bike out of the shed as I got shin splints this year upping my running too quickly. It's been a lot of fun riding again, even around the countryside. I do miss having my controller on the radio though. where are you steve you old coke head?
>>1475898>But people who ride a dangerous machine in congested urban environment as a fashion trend can go an get fucked.I worked as a messenger in london for year on pic related, started off with a front break, but it broke (haha) in a small crash. Never fixed it and rode around with it broken for ages. Then thought fuck it and just took it off. Not going to get into the whole brakeless debate though as it's boring. I rode breakless for 10/11 hours a day, mon-fri for years and loved every second of it.
>>1478737berry nice