>>1041017You've never seen me fly so have no basis for making any claims about my ability.
The fact is, we all are the same at our core instincts. That's the way nature works, we all have a survival instinct that takes priority over all else, except the instinct to protect one's own children. Whether you deny it or not, it's there and there's nothing you can do about it.
I never implied that anyone in this thread was a terrible airman, so please don't say that I did.
I'm done, you seem to be unable to be reasoned with, and aren't doing much more than throwing insults at me, pic related. There's no point in continuing to argue with you. Maybe we can continue this discussion at some point in the future.
>>1041021No person is expendable to themselves, and no court would tell a person that they were expendable when they protected themselves. I challenge you to find one example of any court finding a person guilty of anything for not sacrificing themselves to save someone else. Failing that, as above, I'm tired of this pointless argument. I am not trolling, I'm just stating that protecting oneself from harm is never wrong. For that, I've been the target of unprovoked insults, and not once has anyone provided any evidence to the contrary.