>>1224427It will be whenever feasible (in particular San Jose-Salinas and Santa Barbara-LA) and CAHSR will use the northernmost bit of it (SJ-SF), but making major improvements to service is not going to yield as much as improving inland access. This is mentioned directly in the state rail plan: norcal lacks good east/west connectivity, CAHSR's Pacheco tunnels (and Altamont improvements) are aimed at fixing this exact problem. Improving the coastal route doesn't help.
As for improving the existing inland tracks, they either don't exist (in the case of Pacheco) or are too busy/windy to be improved (in the case of Tehachapi). LA itself has enough freight to warrant it's own freight bypasses (the Alameda Corridor and AC East), so throwing more trains on congested freight chokepoints there would likely mean low schedule reliability. Which is where discussions of improvements begin, of attempts to separate as much passenger traffic from freight traffic. Such is also why CHSRA chose to go through Mojave instead of down the Grapevine, because a Mojave Wye leads right to Vegas, one of the most important (and congested) freight rail corridors in America.