>>1460936>Oil shills cry about their standard of living.It's not about Oil but rather the cost of energy as a whole. Take note that the industrial revolution was based on cheaper energy. The same was supposed to happen with nuclear but that got btfo by the energy cartel.
And yes i admit that oil is controlled by cartels largely but its slightly less cartel like and slightly cheaper than what's being pushed as alternative energy right now. Notice you can still used solar panels even if oil isn't regulated to oblivion. Only a cuck like you would complain that oil is a tax but want literally less options in your life from the central banking energy cartel.
>kept the oil money out of politicsLiterally impossible to eliminate bribes and any regulations that attempt to do that will only make it harder for the little guys to support their underdogs. Notice that no matter what Google's influence is the greatest political manipulator of actual voting. Pay for play will always exist but it's actually better when there is lower level corruption like in eastern Europe.
In Eastern Europe there is still some opportunity to bribe yourself out of prison or drug charges. In the United States you can still bribe some sheriffs especially in rural counties. Only a cuck like you would want to eliminate those privileges, and make it so that only the ultra ultra billionaire class has access to bribery!