Why do people advocate for suburbs even if they are worse for global warming and transportation?
The only advantage a suburb has is having an own garden but nowadays people spend most of their time anyway at home in front of their computer.
Advantages of blocks:
First to the /n/ relevant stuff:
High density of people roads get clogged up with cars
1. public transport gets used more (lower carbon footprint)
2. shorter transportation ways (lower carbon footprint, better life quality)
3. to much car’s will lead people to do something against cager culture (lower carbon footprint)
4. Bigger heating machinery is more efficient (better for environment) and cheaper/kwh than smaller machinery lower cost and lower carbon footprint.
(For example:
A so called Blockheizkraftwerk is an engine that runs on oil or gas. With this it produces electricity that is used in the grid. A byproduct is heat. We get it from the cooling water and from the hot exhaust from the engine. The engine is just running when people need heat. When they don't the engine will just stop to operate and wait until people need heat again.
This is more efficient than just burning the fuel in a stove directly.
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockheizkraftwerk )
5. Blocks are bigger. Because of this they have automatically a better Surface-area-to-volume ratio. With the same amount of insulation you get stil higher efficiency with blocks lower carbon footprint.
6. Less lawn per person
less water use
less fertilizer use (good, because eutrophication) (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eutrophication )
7. Less space / amount of people less nature needs to get destroyed for humans
8. The arts and cultural offerings are getting bigger and thus people are becoming more educated, intelligent and better.