>>1159386>V-bombers>supersonicUmm no sweetie they couldnt even break the sonic barrier at altitude let alone at low level flight that they opted for and they didnt have the anti buffet system like the b-1 bone did so the crews were super fatigued by the flights. Even the B-1b doesnt regularly break the sound barrier at low level although im not sure if it *can* or not. I do know how ever that the v bombers were transonic bomber only, even if they could achieve high transonic speed they could not go super sonic. That is urban legend. Also b-52s eventually had to do low level flights and were not that much worse than b-1s speed wise but they were a much rougher ride and less efficient with the huge wings.
>tfw the most aesthetic v-bomber is the valiant.. the one that no one cares about because it doesnt look as fast