The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is seeking to withdraw all papers involving its researchers that are being considered for publication by external scientific journals to allow for a review by the Trump administration, a federal official told Reuters.
The sweeping order came in an email from the CDC's chief science officer on Friday addressed to all division heads at the agency, the official, who has seen the email, told Reuters. The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
The review is aimed at removing language to comply with President Donald Trump’s executive order saying the federal government will only recognize two sexes, male and female. Officials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services did not respond to a request for comment.
The withdrawal order, first reported by the Inside Medicine Substack, goes beyond an initial directive on Jan. 21 that federal health agencies pause their own public communications to allow for a review of those materials by Trump appointees.
Inside Medicine published a list of specific words targeted for removal in the communications review, including gender, transgender, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) and nonbinary. The federal official said that such a list went out from CDC to its divisions.
The Friday withdrawal order involves all manuscripts written or co-written by CDC scientists. If CDC scientists are co-authors on a paper that originated outside of the agency, they are asked to take their names off the paper, the official said.
Public health experts said the removal of such terms threatens their ability to address all kinds of medical needs as they affect different groups, including those with HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.
"We can't just erase or ignore certain populations when it comes to preventing, treating or researching infectious diseases such as HIV. I certainly hope this is not the intent of these orders," said Carl Schmid, an advocate and executive director of the HIV+ Hepatitis Policy Institute. Editors of scientific journals, including the American Journal of Public Health, questioned the legality of the move. For scientific papers that have been accepted by a journal but not yet published, "we have the copyright. The author can no longer make changes," said Dr. Alfredo Morabia, Editor in Chief of the AJPH. For papers under review but not yet accepted by a journal, "a collective response is warranted from journal editors and publishers. There should be some common strategies," he said. "It sounds incredible that this is compatible with the First Amendment. A constitutional right has been canceled," he said. "How can the government decide what words a journal can use to describe a scientific reality? That reality needs to be named." "This is a travesty," Dr. Carlos Del Rio, chief section editor for HIV/AIDS for NEJM Journal Watch Infectious Diseases, said in an email. "CDC scientists publish every year important work that informs the field of public health. Stopping publications is never good," he said. On Friday, the CDC and other U.S. health agencies took down web pages on HIV statistics and a database tracking behaviors that increase health risks for youth, among other information, to comply with Trump administration orders on gender identity and diversity, raising concerns among physicians and patient advocates about censorship.
>>1380600 >"We can't just erase or ignore certain populations-" Bro, you can dismantle transgenderism by simply asking them whether or not their biological sex has been the same all throughout their life.
Every retarded person who says "I am ackshually [insert sex here]" doesn't even know what it feels like to be the opposite sex because their body has never spontaneously changed to meet that expectation. It's a delusion formed from pop culture references.
>>1380601 >evidence-based and science-based These seem like sketchy terms that should be banned. "Science-based" is specifically troublesome sounding.
I sure you were really mad about this back in 2017, but what is science-based? Something is either science or not science. Science based sounds like a term used to mask non-sciencetific data.
>>1380603 >>1380605 Why are you against freedom of speech? This is literal treason
>>1380603 Actually they'd just tell you "yeah I was assigned female at birth." Because sex and gender are different things anon. Gender is a social construct, because there's no genetic connection to pronouns, gendered clothing, or presentation.
>>1380607 Because I've had enough of your gay shit. Find a gay country and be a fag there.
>>1380610 You don't decide what's in the US Constitution.
>>1380611 Nothing in the Constitution spells out your right to offend me with your gay bullshit, faggot.
It's about time we stopped pandering to mental illness and fetishes from porn addicts. This is Like letting the retarded kid win at basketball. It's cute the first time not everyone is over it when it's every single day.
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>>1380605 Blame the "trust the science" retards that got us into this mess. Turns out it wasn't science, it was just Pfizer and moderna paying politicians to censor people
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>>1380599 Why not just ban one, because you hate it so much: 'Reality'.
There's so much you'll never get rid of. Least of all prove otherwise. Example: the concept that a 'God' exists. Why would one allow the likes of David and Jonathan if homosexuality is wrong? Or accept the King James Version of his 'Word', when the authorizer of that was a homosexual. 'Queen Elizabeth was King, King James was Queen' as they said 400 years ago.
Gay king, thus gay Bible, therefore gay God. Ever wonder why the Establishment Clause exists in the US Constitution? Or why George Washington said 'For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support'?
You're not good citizens, current US government.
>>1380618 Scientific research is not porn. Stop banning words because you're scared of other people's ideas
>>1380609 >Because sex and gender are different things anon. They're not though.
Sex is based on empirical, physical biology. Gender being different from sex is just you larping.
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>>1380599 It's a good thing Trump's thinktank cronies are clogging up the court system with this stuff they know will be thrown out. for being unconstitutional. That way the courts won't be prepared for the Project 2025 agenda coming down the road and it'll take a decade for them to review all the incoming cases.
u libs make me bi-curious nervous, so BYE
u libs make me bi-curious nervous, so BYE Tue 04 Feb 2025 10:35:31 No. 1380713 Report Quoted By:
>>1380603 This war on trans is like The "war on drugs" aka the war on human nature.why do conservative want to control human nature so much. No abortion, no drugs, no porn, no trans, etc because they think they have autonomy over everyone's body. But when it comes to's my body and right to own a machine gun
Truly demented behavior. The CCP are a conservative group of old farts that hold very similar views, except for the guns. The CCPers will execute you if you sell Marijuana. Conservatives seek power because they are so afraid of their inate human desires, and try to repress them, and as a corollary, in others as well.
>>1380613 another snowflake melting down.
>>1380627 Damn, I didn't know there was actually empirical, physical biology behind why a girl has to wear a skirt and respond to she/her.
>>1380729 >physical biology behind why a girl has to wear a skirt and respond to she/her because they pussy gets hot and it needs to air out? tf? she/her because at one point it was getting confusing saying "hey you person there" "who he?" "no uh her"
>>1380730 Anon you know girls wear pants too right. And like, kilts exist?
>>1380732 Yeah they wear pants, that's why they are such bitches. Can't blame them it is hot down there.
>>1380626 No it’s politics. Researchers wanted to do activism and large swaths of academic knowledge publications were Lysenkoized. If you ‘do politics’ in your research, politics can come for you and you lose the right to claim your ‘work’ is sacrosanct.
>>1380732 You say this like it means something.
And, for the sake of completeness, literal mutations that are not, by the strictest scientific definition, a human being.
Anything else is a fetish or a mental illness akin to Anorexia where the patient refuses to believe they are ill and actively fights all attempts at treatment.
The former need to be slapped until they come to their senses. The latter need to be institutionalized until they are cured for their own good.
>>1380753 And that's why we have to ban the phrase "evidence based medicine"
>>1380774 Yes. Whatever leftist have twisted those words to mean now so that it fits their worldview has soiled its original meaning. Maybe in the future when scientific publications actually care about adhering to the scientific method again, that phrase will be rehabilitated and once again carry weight. But right now it’s just a buzzword so that idiots like you don’t have to think and can just “trust the science” as it is told to you.
>>1380810 >Science denial will continue until it matches what I say it should be Anonymous
>>1380811 >the side that thinks a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man is trying to lecture people on what science denial is. Anonymous
>>1380812 >Hey so we've actually noticed some legitimate biological patterns in trans people that >LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! TRANS BAD, ABSOLUTELY BAD! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR WHAT MENTAL HEALTH OR BIOLOGICAL STUDIES HAVE TO SAY UNLESS THEY CONFIRM MY ORIGINAL VIEWPOINT! Anonymous
>>1380814 It’s not a biological pattern. It’s a mental illness.
>>1380626 scientific research shows that hrt and gender reassignment surgery result in a horrifying 50% survival rate, doctors are actively abusing mentally ill patients just to earn some cash instead of giving working treatments
>>1380817 See, the fact you just try to deny it instead of disprove it really says a lot.
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>>1380814 the biological pattern is that the part of the brain responsible for making you feel like your own sex is malfunctioning in transvestites
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>>1380599 Calling it, we're gonna see some idiot apply the non binary ban to Computer Science papers.
>>1380821 No one is denying it. It needs to be treated as mental illness and referred to as a mental illness
>>1380599 Excellent, hopefully hangings of socialists, feminists and other political criminals will follow.
>>1380599 Lol.
Get fucked trannies.
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>>1380986 >>1380991 >>1381023 Get 'em Cletus you show those troons
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>>1380599 it's not that they're "banning" these words. it's that they're banning the mandatory usage of these words in place of organic language.
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>>1380756 What's the scientific name for the non human species you are alluding to?
You did say strict science definitions are at play. So educate me.
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>>1380613 >Right to not be offended reference Lazy bait
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>>1380728 >nooo you have to tolerate child rapist ideologies Anonymous
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>>1380627 >>1380730 >>1380736 Chuck Yeager didn't even notice, perhaps because he wasn't concerned about something that you need to be a Karen about. Working with someone who was an expert test pilot, helping to advance US aviation technology, their gender didn't bother him in the slightest. As far as Yeager was concerned Jacqueline Cochran had The Right Stuff. He encouraged American youth to enter the field of aeronautics, no matter what their gender.
So what's your excuse? Was he wrong in not having your wrong opinions, Karen?
>>1380599 the scientific community has a word called M2M - it means Male to Male - they put it on STD shit. Scientists do laugh about these cases and no censorship can stop that.
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>>1381193 Why do they laugh?
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>>1380820 You made that shit up on the spot
The politicians do such a good job running the government, it's about time we put them in charge of science as well. I don't see why government censors shouldn't be micromanaging every aspect of society, really. Can you imagine a pair of plumbers working on your bathroom without the local Party representatives having approved of the words they use to practice their craft? Laughable.
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>>1381353 Imagine a conman being a politician. Laughable.
>2012 And with no self awareness.
Senility and Retardation. Not even once.
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>>1381353 Imagine a conman being a politician. Laughable.
>2012 >'The world is laughing at us' And with no self awareness.
Senility and Retardation. Not even once.
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>>1380613 Clutch your pearls you grandstanding little bitch. What a little fucking girl you are kek
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I honestly don't feel comfortable about the federal government meddling in the affairs of scientists and scientific study. We already have to deal with religion trying to limit us from conducting our work and now we have to worry about the feds coming down on us harder than usual. I don't even care about transgender people at this stage in the game. Though this does make me wonder if the CDC would find a loophole and just give these terms new terms that aren't banned.