>>578770>smokingWhat country are you in? Canada, perhaps? If this is industrial hemp, you could smoke an entire shopping bag full of it and get nothing more than a headache. The PRIMARY use of this plant, for thousands of years, is fiber and cellulose. You get 10 tons of biomass per acre, 77 percent cellulose, over a four-month growing season. It is the most profitable crop that can be grown. The drug varieties represent a fraction of a percentage of the actual value of this crop. Industrial hemp was the real target of cannabis prohibition, but the scare tactics used in regards to the drug varieties were what got it outlawed in the USA. The USA is the only "first world" country that does not make a distinction between the industrial and the drug varieties. At stake is the sales of tree-paper chemistry. You don't need nearly as much or the same chemicals to make paper from hemp, and you get four times the cellulose per acre that you get growing trees for the same purpose. This is definitely /out/ related, because half the forests of the world have been needlessly ground into paper as a direct result of cannabis prohibition. Pic related, Harry J. Anslinger, the original US "drug czar," nephew-in-law to Andrew Mellon, banker and President Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury. Mellon was DuPont's banker as well, and the company had invented a new tree-paper process around the time of federal cannabis prohibition. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs was originally founded under the Treasury Department. Follow the money, connect the dots... Read this book, all online. The printed version is half photocopied references.