>>598284You shouldn't talk shit with your mouth full, anon. Besides, that article is a "what if" type scenario, says so right in the title. I'm not sure what 3rd world toilet you hail from, but where we do things, the very livelihoods of the majority of the people depends on that very soil being in good condition, fertile and able to grow stuff year after year. Some crops are grown as a cover crop to prevent erosion and then it is tilled in, no harvest. It's there to replenish nutrients by adding organic matter and then also prevents natural erosion. We take care of our land as if our lives depend on it, because in reality it actually does. I laugh at anyone who wants to say otherwise, because only those who don't know any better and the trolling type would say that shit. If you knew how shit actually works out here you'd say the same.
I guess I'll not post any potato harvest photos then, there's actually a DISinterest going on here. I think I can see you in the truck there, if I zoom in close enough.
Enjoy your french fries and just about everything else you eat, you fat fucking ignorant aids infested bloody anal discharge of a smegma gobbling lesbian troll. Pic related you massive faggot.
>thinking food just grows from people's asses