>>540906that's a bit fucked. my friend's dad is homeless in the woods by the highway and so that's basically him now.
als, we have a part of town we hang around in that is always showing signs of weirdos. it's by the train tracks and some old mills and it's all forest and pretty isolated so it's fun to go down and drink beers and shoot the shit. we almost never actually see anybody down there, but we do always see signs of people. weird camps, firepits, shelters. plus odd trash gets left behind as well.
we built a concrete pillar w/plaque down there under some pines on the edge of the cliff to commemorte some stuff and now we're pretty paranoid some fukko is gonna shit on it and then bash it with a sledgehammer.
we are pretty entertained by the fact that this beast will be there for decades at least and it'll become the stuff of urban myth and legend.