>>2641485Mongolia has the chinese and has always been barren plains. It's also polluted everywhere that matters. Real sad. That's like comparing antarctica to the tundra.
>>2641547 The melbourne area IE right next to one of 3 giga population centetrs of the whole nation.That's before you get to the mega forests of southern WA, or the Pilbaras arid africa analogues. Then you've got the massive rainforests of QLD and all of the top ends congo tier insanity. Tasmania is an obvious choice simply because it's the size of ireland with none of the comparitive populations of anywhere on earth. Siberia is less population dense than here. 16 percent of the nation is forest. Some put it at 147million hectares. That's considering that of europes total 160mill includes plantation and having people all over it and running around enforcing germany tier rules.+ Relogging. I like scandinavia better.
>>2641601They just don't get it. It's the same with Africa. They see the sahara and forget about the congo. Same shit. They come from tiny little envlaces that have nothing left from before structures.
Picrelated is part of the great dividing range.
Keep in mind what other anon posted at
>>2641490>>2641492>>2641494Does not include the top end, the interior africa mode forests or the mountains from NSW and VIC alone. Much of it unfucked with too. They can't even build a trainline across the centre never mind actually pushing through the range.