OP here. This is my second last post to this thread, as I am going to a new two-night trip. I will make new thread for it, as this is somehow run over by few anons with /pol/ tier discussion.
>>2288643Activity was training for recce-style work. I will do this new trip with semi-military setting too, meaning that I will train similar skills but I wont be full-larp this time.
>>2288774Not this time. If I see something interesting, I will.
>>2289115>Below 8Anon I dont know if I can help you. If finnish autumm temperatures are too cold, I dont know how I could help you with winter. Multiple layers of clothing, warm footwear and movement is warmth. There is no motivation really, as it us just useless feeling. Self-discipline will keep you going.
I remember once when it was almost too cold, as I was in the military. Temeoratyre dropped below - 32° celsius and I was cold. We got our tanks to start their warmup, but I was amazed to see that the hot exhaust gasses just floated few meters up and "froze", they chilled so rapidly that they ended up forming cloud barrier just few meters from ground. That was cold.
>>2287892>we>>2289309I will predict that your girlfriend is rather thin. Fat matters greatly when it comes to coldness with women.
>>2289380I hate heat too. It takes energy out of you and you have to carry large amounts of water and find springs. Luckily evenings and nights are much better. I drive my motorbike in the day and camp out in the evening.
>>2289391I could in future thread today, if you remind me
>>2289708They can try. Again. But as a part of biggest army in Europe I really dont fear nation thats economy is same size as Italy.