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Idaho Fish and Game needs to get more aggressive with control efforts, says former Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner Tony McDermott.
“We just have too many wolves,” McDermott says. “Sportsmen, cattlemen, livestock producers, farmers, they’re all on the same page that Idaho needs to reduce its wolf population. We’re kind of at a critical stage.”
Linnea Elzinga rides and sleeps with her family’s cattle all summer long to protect them from wolves.
“I think they’re beautiful animals,” Elzinga says. “I think we can co-exist with them. A lot of people hate them because the damage they do to cattle, and things like that, but I think there’s a way to co-exist with them.”
Robin Brown moved the base of her operations for Broken Circle Border Collies away from the mountains next to U.S. 95 near Council to avoid wolves. And then her neighbors, the Thomasons lost their pet goats nearby.
“I don’t want them anywhere around me,” Brown says. “They’ve changed my business. They’ve changed my life. They’re all over the place. Something has to be done.”