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No.265420 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since this particular board is sofa king slow, I thought I might make it interesting in the cold of the northern hemisphere (ausfags GTFO my therd).
When it's just too goddam cold to do awesome shit, what exactly do you do?
Personally, I hate being cold. This isn't to say, "I hate cold weather!".... it's simply a matter of, no matter what I wear: layers, material, breatheability, etc we all eventually succumb to the temperature.
I'll qualify by saying that I'm 46 years old and have lived in central Maine all my life.... I'm not some faggot who bitches about sub-50's and "freezing" lol @ everyone from Fredericksburg down... you whiny cunts.
I like snowshoeing, but don't stay out more than a couple hours unless it's above freezing.... keep your motor-sleds, that's adding airspeed to refrigeration = fucking asking for it IMO.

So how about it, you anonymous bastards?