>>459810I would almost prefer to live in a lower biodiverse area than a tropical jungle. First, because theres not as many things that want to bite and infect me with diseases, and secondly, because I feel like I can have a better understanding of the local biome as a whole.
There can be 100s of tree species in an acre of rainforest; in a temperate deciduous forest there might be 20 at most. Once you can identify most of those 20, you will start to see patterns in how they grow, where they grow, etc. And then you can begin to grasp the details of how they interact with other species (such as the animals that use them, the pests that can infect them, how they change the soil composition, etc) of the ecosystem.
Even then, its a lot of information just to know the major parts of a biome, there are still TONS of things like fungi, insect, mammal species that you wont see or know about unless you are a scientist. Whereas in a tropical area the amount of detail and niches is insanely high, so you would probably never get as good an idea of the "big picture" than you would in a low biodiverse area.