>>3496105>is anybody able to tell me if C-41 would be ok?Too risky anon. The native chemistry is one of the earliest colour reversal processes, the one used by early Agfa (AP-41), slightly adapted by the Soviets and named C-9165 process.
Without going to technicalities, the main point is the original process was at 25°C, normal C-41 is a touch below 38°C.
That’s far too high for the unhardened emulsions of those older films and the whole emulsion might get stripped off the base.
Your best bet is to do it at home with a kit (either C-41 or E-6) that works in lower temperatures, with longer times.
If you decide to do it in E-6, skip the reversal bath and expose to light (strong bulb) for the re-exposure step, the native process was designed with actual re-exposure in mind instead of a chemical fogging bath (the reversal bath).
Btw you film is around ISO35 natively, though no idea what exposure you should give it being that expired and all.