>>2857181>I think you're getting confused, people giving you shit are most likely people who shoot gigs a lot because the clueless /p/ denizens wouldn't know not to bother with that shit.People that shoot gigs a lot tend to project their own priorities in place of more clearly vernacular and participatory ones. It's the flipside of the professionalism coin.
You seem to be aware that you have no technical or compositional advice to give me beyond "the light is bad dont shoot in it!", but "don't bother with that shit" has always been a form of critique I have no time for.
>Sure musicians will love any pictures taken of them but they also will parade said pictures around and in a matter of months you'll have moved on and become a better photographer but have to deal with those shit pictures being used as profile pictures or EP covers. Here you are again, under this silly notion that you're ~experienced~ in a social event where photographers are a dime a dozen. I already 'deal with this' if you consider such a minimal thing stressful. Have some teenage isi work with pic attached.
>If you're happy to take shit pictures and put a smile on some peoples faces then well done but don't come here with those shit pictures and expect us to praise you for your good fucking deeds.I don't care about praise from 4chan, lmao
>your good fucking deedsI care about giving you painful cognitive dissonance by introducing direct conflict to the concepts that resound within the echo chamber that you mistakenly believe to be anything but anonymous dpreview. :)
Don't worry. I'm sure the rest of you are very professional.