>>14883931>Women's NA ladder. You could see who was dressed to pose for the winner picture and for that it was dumb and lame but Sol and the rest put themselves over and a good show 7/10
>OC v Team speedyboys tag matchOC put on pretty good showing, but it also wasn't the smoothest match while it had some amazing spots. 8-/10
>Baszler should have won match. For a women's, UFC brawl gimmick and underground match this was surprisingly watchable even if it sounds like a disaster, but it wasn't without its stupid spots and events. Why Shayna suddenly attacks randos on ring side to later trip over one causing her to lose? The Lord knows, but not the audience, and that sort of things made more silly than it should. 6.5/10
>Oba vs 2 shot putsJoe Coffey surprising MVP doing JD McDonuthead level PLE work throughout the match, almost perfect but the run in was overbooking with the match being captivating without it. Good for all 3 guys otherwise. 9/10
>Jordynne v Angry lil mexican, this was good but I kinda lost interest as it progressed. Went on for too long, I was tired and the finish was silly. Jordynne should have won to make it more interesting of a predicament for the championship and an interesting footnote in history of cross promotions. I'm kinda saddened this didn't happen 7.5/10
>Trick v PageA bit of a let down and quite forgettable, a very run of the mill match after all the shit talking. Match lacked things like targeting a limb and more underhanded tactics from Page to really sell his threat to Trick. 7/10.
The venue worked well but production also decided to skip things like the fake audience silhouettes on the background for blank walls making it seem more like TNA than NXT. A serviceable PLE for NXT with great moments but as it has to be compared to the massive success of S&D- 7/10 overall