>*gets pushed to the moon in his first year in WWF*Did you pay your dues boy?
>*gets full creative control over his character*Oh you didn't?
>*bitches to Vince about backstage shenanigans*Well around here boy
>*gets you buried for not wearing a suit*You gotta wait your turn
>*gets his friends and fellow Texans pushed as soon as they come in the door*So you get down that liquor store
>*takes time off whenever he feels like it*And you better bring back a case of Jack for me and the boys
>*refuses to put anyone over*Don't like it son?
>*refuses to go out on his back*Well maybe you ain't gonna make it in the big leagues
>*comes back for Saudi money and buries a younger talent*Mmmm don't wanna mess with me
>*gets his wife a lucrative payday*Or the boys will make your life hell
>*gets a life time contract with WWE*Run along, kid
>*spends too long on his HoF induction*Mmmmm
>*buries AJ Styles, literally, in his last match*Vince, this kid ain't got it
>*does stand up and babysits rapist Vince to Saudi events*Got no respect
>*does Hotones*